Facebook have announced their latest algorithm tweak, targeting Pages that ‘bait for engagement’, so Pages that ask for likes, comments, tags and shares on posts in order to boost their reach - that’s right LADbible, we’re talking about you.
Facebook explained in a blog post:
“People have told us that they dislike spammy posts on Facebook that goad them into interacting with likes, shares, comments, and other actions. For example, “LIKE this if you’re an Aries!” This tactic, known as “engagement bait,” seeks to take advantage of our News Feed algorithm by boosting engagement in order to get greater reach. So, starting this week, we will begin demoting individual posts from people and Pages that use engagement bait.”
The update will take effect on pages that use captions like ‘share for your chance to win’, tag a friend that does this’, and ‘like if you agree’. Pages that use phrases similar to this will see a reduced reach over the coming weeks.
Facebook bought in a similar update in 2014, stating that the newsfeed will show fewer posts that explicitly ask for likes, comments, and shares. However, since then, many Pages have implemented the tactic further into their social media strategy as a way to increase reach and engagement - and Facebook does not like cheaters.
However, not all posts that ask for interaction are viewed as engagement bait: for example, posts that show a missing child report or ask for donations to a cause won't be subjected to the latest update. Facebook considers those interactions as "authentic engagement", and they will not see a lower reach.
So with the list of what-not-to-post-on-Facebook getting longer, what can you do to ensure you’re not penalised by the algorithm? Well firstly, try to avoid asking or trying to force artificial engagement, focus instead on promoting meaningful conversations that your followers will want to engage with, without being asked. Focus on your audience and who you want to reach, Facebook will look at signals such as how close a person is to the Page posting, stories they’d want to share to their friends, and videos they’d spend time watching, to decide how high up a post comes in their newsfeed.
You can have a deeper look into your audience and their demographics on the Insights tool. And lastly, create content your audience will find interesting and meaningful. For example, instead of reposting an article, why not write it up on your blog? Or even try posting one of your own infographics instead of a huge chunk of text.
Or you know, give us a call.