Safer Internet Day 2017

Today is Safer Internet Day 2017. Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the celebration sees hundreds of organisations getting involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.


The day offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. It calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to join together in helping to create a better internet.

For social media use it highlights the importance of being able to know what you should and shouldn't be putting out there. The focus being on children and teens and educating them on the potential dangers of social media. Do your kids know the difference between personal and non-personal information? Unfortunately in most cases they don't. They are not able to distinguish the difference and whether they can or cannot share this information on the internet. 

This would be a good starting point to help encourage a more safer approach to social media. The theme of this year's Safer Internet Day is ‘Be the change: Unite for a better internet’. Play your part in making the internet a better place. Be positive, show respect and help people if they are upset.

The UK Safer Internet Centre has provided a couple of guides and tips for young children on how they can help make the internet a better place. Click here.

Facebook isn't done yet..

There's no denying that Facebook has become a social media marketing powerhouse. It's inundated increase in users per day is beyond belief.

The platform now has more than 1.79 billion users, with close to 1.2 billion of them logging in daily. Compare that to the next biggest social network of the moment, Instagram - they're seeing 600 million monthly active users, with 300 million per day.

It's for this reason marketers and businesses should be looking to get their Facebook marketing efforts in order. It's important to remember that findings can not always be applied to different industries and target markets. You have to find what works best for you and your business and what is relevant to your consumers.

BuzzSumo recently analysed more than 800 million Facebook posts from 2016 to determine the key elements that are driving more shares, likes and comments. 

The research may have been conducted while focussing on the US markets, however it's hard to ignore these stats. Don't be afraid to try new things, most times the process can be trial and error. But don't underestimate how much time people are actually spending on social networks.

Prepare Your Social Media for 2017, Yesterday.

With just a few weeks until we turn over a new leaf and welcome in the new year, it's come to that time where you start to see more and more articles and blogs about preparing for 2017.

Prepare Your Social Media for 2017.jpg

This isn't a piece about what you should be doing with your social media in 2017. I'm writing this to illustrate the things you should have been doing this year and haven't managed to, so should start a move on.

There are over 2.5 billion active social media users worldwide and the number is growing at a rate of 9% a year. The advertising spend is rising even faster. According to Advertising Age, social media spend grew 55% to $10.9 billion, up from the previous year's $7 billion. The figures don't lie, social media has established itself as a marketing powerhouse.

Messaging Apps
There are now tools which provide businesses with the opportunity to have more valuable, private conversations with consumers. Messaging apps can give you the ability to engage with your consumers and learn about them. These apps can help humanise your brand and allow you to provide a more personal customer service. Did you know that, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp combined see 3 times more messages than SMS.

Live Video
Live video is getting a lot more exposure than images and even standard videos. You will now see businesses and brands hiring for Live Social Media Video Co-ordinator, which highlights how seriously companies are taking live video. Even Facebook now gives priority to live video, pushing it ahead of user's other content. Instagram introduced stories earlier this year, this is another reason to put a live video strategy in place and by doing so now, it might just give you the edge over your competitors.

As social media channels, trends and consumers evolve it will become even more important to find your niche. It will be necessary to analyse your current social media channels and focus on distributing your message where your audience spends their time. Don't spread yourself to thinly, find out what works for you and put your energy in to implementing a strategy for those specific platforms.

Did you know 3 in 4 adults use social media. It's become a part of everyday life for people and businesses. Don't fall behind, get your channels and strategy in place and start engaging with your consumers.

So long blogging. Hello plogging.

Plogging - I know what you're thinking, another new social fad that will attempt to pry us away from our devotion to our chosen platforms.


However, not necessarily a fad but possibly the evolution of the blog. It now seems that blogs are losing their X factor and like Brendon Rodgers face becoming an ineffective vessel of information. The top dogs at the likes of Facebook and Twitter are always looking at ways to keep their current audience. At the moment you will use the platforms to come across a blog that might interest you and in turn take you off through the digital corridors to an external page, i.e. WordPress blog etc.

Now it seems the social giants will introduce the world to ‘Plogging’ a location within the platforms themselves which will mirror the mechanics of blogs. Definitely an interesting concept and I’m sure it will draw a reaction from the likes of Tumblr and Blogger. 

Improve your social media presence

3 ways to instantly improve your personal or business social media presence

As the social media stratosphere continues to increase in size it becomes increasingly difficult to stand out. With LinkedIn inhabiting more than 350 million active users* and Twitter boasting 302 million active monthly users* the need to become unique with your approach and message has never been more important than it is now.


Here are three simple ways you can make an improved impact to help leverage your personal brand or business.

Increased social activity is always going to be an obvious one. However overuse can lead to your messages and content becoming monotonous and stale. Understand where and when you need to post your content. Experiment with different days, times, images, taglines etc. Even using the same content but changing the images and heading can even improve your post’s results. You’re not always going to get it right the first time, so be prepared to diversify and experiment.


Don’t be afraid to get creative. As the popularity of visuals continues to increase in the world of social media, you need to take the time to find or create the right images that will provide the impact you want. Use your imagination to find visuals that will literally say more than a thousand words. Again, don’t be afraid to stray outside the norm and let your inspiration flow. Use the likes of Instagram and Pinterest to gain insights and then take your own pictures or create them with Canva. “Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas,” Donatella Versace.


Probably one of the most important traits of social media. Personality arises from within and makes us who we are. Social media has provided us with the opportunity to express our personalities. Whether you’re posting from yourself or business, every message must possess character. This is what makes us unique and must be conveyed to your audience. After all, this is why individuals bond with their favourite people or brands, because they can connect on different levels.
