Insensitive comment live on Facebook after Grenfell Tower fire

There's no doubt Facebook Live has changed the way we view things, from product launches, to events, to breaking news. But are people using it when they shouldn't be?


As I woke up yesterday morning, the first thing I saw on my Facebook newsfeed was three different news outlets using Facebook Live to broadcast the blaze that had taken over Grenfell Tower in West London. In some aspects, this was a good way to bring the latest and breaking news to people, right into the palm of their hands. Also, as it’s not being broadcasted on national television, it sort of has an unscripted ‘live in the action’ feel to it.

However, this slightly-more informal way of broadcasting may not be so great, as Sky News reporter Mark White soon realised.

Many were quick to criticise White's comment, although others pointed out that he was simply trying to lessen the impact of the tragedy on the young boy.

Is Instagram playing dirty against Snapchat?

New Instagram update - social media marketing

Any influencer or social media enthusiast knows the pain of having to create content or multiple snaps for Instagram AND Snapchat stories. But when Instagram released stories 9 months ago, despite the lack of features, did it already have the upper hand? Other than sending disappearing pictures and chats, Snapchat isn’t much else than its Stories. So when Instagram brought everything together in one app, did it push Snapchat down a notch?

New Instagram update - Is Instagram playing dirty against Snapchat?

Well, Instagram have just stepped it up another gear, and they’re not playing clean.

That’s right, we’re talking dog filters, bunny ears, the lot.

The Facebook-owned app has been taking parts of Snapchat's interface for months. But their latest update with the addition of face filters might be the killer blow: it takes Snapchat's most prominent feature away from it, and gives Instagram perhaps the only feature that it was lacking on its close rival.

The filters work on multiple faces, just like Snapchat, and can also be used on the addictive Boomerang feature. On top of this, they’ve also given us an eraser.

To make matters worse, this news comes just days after Snapchat reports losses of millions of dollars.

Your move, Snapchat.

How to keep your brand (and content) consistent across your social channels


New social media platforms appear pretty often, and for each new platform that attracts thousands of users, there needs to be a strategy tailor-made to reach them. Now, here’s the catch, every platform has different requirements - Twitter limits you to 140 characters, Instagram focuses on photos and videos, and LinkedIn users will shun you for talking about anything that isn’t a cheesy motivational quote.

So, let’s have a look at the ways you can stay true to your brand voice, whilst following the unwritten rules and regulations of these channels.

Know yourself

Thanks, DJ Khaled.

This is probably one of the most important aspects in having consistency across social media platforms.

How to keep your brand (and content) consistent across your social channels

What’s your brand's voice? How do you address your customers? Are you ‘down with the kids’ and an absolute savage to your customers, like Wendy’s burger bar? Or are you calm and authoritative, much like Microsoft, or IBM?

Now, this should’ve been figured out way before you launched yourself into the social media world (which obviously, you’ve already got totally sorted), as it makes it a heck of a lot easier to write copy and create content. This will also help to prevent the temptation to jump on any trends that may not be relevant to your company. For example, we probably wouldn’t see Channel 4 news talking about Kim Kardashian at the beach on Twitter. Sorry, Jon Snow.

Know your audience


Let’s have a look at United Airline’s recent big mistake (well, one of them anyway), they seemed to have thought that they could get away with using the phrase “re-accommodate” (I suppose it does sound better than violently force. Hey, maybe they shouldn’t have done it in the first place?) on a platform like Twitter, whose users tend to favour colloquialism and personability.

Was Twitter happy about this? Twitter was not happy about this.

This doesn’t mean that you should change your brand voice for every platform, but rather that you give consideration to who's engaging on that platform before crafting your message. So that meme that did really well on Instagram? Probably best to leave it off LinkedIn.

If you know your audience for each platform, you’ll be able to create content that reaches each customer, while still remaining coherent to your brand identity.

Keep your look consistent

You have a lot of control over the design of your social channels, from banners, to profile pictures, to colour themes, and even down to the theme of the media you use. If people know your logo, and the colours most commonly associated with your brand, this should make it super easy for them to find you on social media.

How to keep your brand (and content) consistent across your social channels

Your Facebook profile picture should be the same or very similar to all your other profile pictures, regardless of the nature of the site. The same goes for your banner. You want this to be instantly familiar, so your customers know who you are the minute they see you, no matter what platform they find you on.

Your Facebook profile picture should be the same or very similar to all your other profile pictures, regardless of the nature of the site. The same goes for your banner. You want this to be instantly familiar, so your customers know who you are the minute they see you, no matter what platform they find you on.

Want to kick your social media strategy up a gear? Book your free BoffinBulb. Right. Now. 

Feeling generous

International Day of Happiness social media

The International Day of Happiness is celebrated throughout the world on the 20th of March. The International Day of Happiness was founded by United Nations adviser Jayme Illien on June 28, 2012, when all 193 member states of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted UN resolution 66/28, which declares the pursuit of happiness as a human right and a "fundamental human goal." 

So in light of this celebration we're feeling generous and want to share the joy amongst our valued connections and network. In these times of increased hate and anxiety, taking time to appreciate happiness and give back can be very rewarding.

Therefore Digital Boffins is giving every new customer that signs up this week £50 towards social media advertising and we'll also donate £10 to a local charity on behalf of each new client.

Email us at - or call 01202 971765

This will run till close of play on Friday 24th March 2017. Terms and conditions apply, enquire for details.

Being spontaneous on social media

Exactly! I think sometimes businesses think they need to have a detailed plan and road map of everything they want to put out there on social media. That's not the case. The idea of social media marketing is to give your business a personality and an identity. Yes, a plan helps but it doesn't mean you can't be flexible.

I spoke to an associate earlier today and he mentioned that they have been hung up on trying to make the perfect and polished piece of content. My response to him was, don't be afraid to be reactive and spontaneous. If there's something relevant that you want people to know, then just grab a phone and record it in your office. Just because you used a camera phone and filmed it in your office doesn't mean your reputation as a business will diminish.

As long as what you're saying is valuable and helpful to your target market, that's what will determine your worth. You must want to build trust with your consumers and develop an emotional connection, and being personable and instinctive can help you and your business convey this.

We're due to have a BoffinBulb with this associate I mentioned, and talk through some ideas of how being impromptu and creative can help develop a strong consumer link. We're always happy to help and offer advice that businesses can implement right away and see the difference.